Getting vortex-p

This section describes the required operations to download vortex-p, setting the required folder structure, installing the required libraries, compiling the code and running it.

Source download

The easiest way to download the code is to directly clone the repository. If you happen to not have git in your system, you can find some nice tutorials on how to install it, or you could just download the source directly from the GitHub repository page.

To get the code, just run the following command:

git clone

This will create an vortex-p folder in your working directory, inside which you fill find the ./src folder containing the source code of vortex-p. It contains:

  • Several .f Fortran source files, which contain the different subroutines and modules of the code.
  • A Makefile to compile the code. You might need to modify it to match your system’s configuration (see below).
  • The vortex_parameters.dat file, containing the compilation-time parameters of the code.
  • The vortex.dat file, containing the run-time parameters of the code.

Folder structure

Once within the src folder, the code also requires you to create a ./simulation folder, which can be a symlink to the folder containing your simulation results.

ln -s /path/to/your/simulation ./simulation

Additionally, you will need to create and ./output_files folder, where the code will store the outputs of the analysis.

mkdir ./output_files

Compilation-time parameters

Before compiling, it is required to set some compilation-time parameters, which are related to dimensioning of arrays. These parameters are included in the vortex_parameters.dat file, and are explained one by one below. Each time you change the parameters, you need to recompile the code.

! Level 0 grid 
  • NMAX, NMAY and NMAZ are the (maximum) number of base grid cells in each direction. They are used in order to dimension the density arrays (must be larger or, ideally, equal to the actual grid size used, specified in vortex.dat; see the parameters file page).
! Refinements 
  • NPALEV is the maximum number of AMR patches. This quantity may vary significant depending on your specific user case, so it is advisable to run the code with a large value (e.g. NPALEV=10000). If it is too small (i.e., when running the code, the maximum number of patches is reached), the code will stop with an error message. If it is too generous, you can consider lowering it to save memory.
  • NLEVELS is the maximum number of refinement levels. Take into account that your best resolution to identify density peaks will be $L/(N_x \cdot 2^\mathrm{NLEVELS})$, with $L, \, N_x$ the domain length and the number of base grid cells. A typical suggestion is to set NLEVELS to match the force resolution of the simulation, since you are not expected to form structures below this scale. $a + b$
! Maximum patch extension 
  • NAMRX, NAMRY and NAMRZ are the maximum extension of the AMR patches. The smaller the value, the more modular the AMR structure will be, which could involve less memory usage. 32 or 64 are typically reasonable values.

Required libraries


The kd-tree space-partitioning algorithm used in vortex-p is provided by the coretran library, which contains many well-optimised routines for intensive numerical computation.

While coretran is well documented, for the sake of completeness, here we summarise the steps to install it locally:

  1. First, move to the folder you want to install coretran in (in our example, it will be the home directory), and clone the repository:
cd ~
git clone
cd coretran
  1. Create a build directory, where the library will be compiled, and a library directory, where we will install the library. Enter the build directory:
mkdir build
mkdir library
cd build
  1. Generate the Makefile with cmake:
cmake -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/your_user/coretran/library ../src

When doing so, make sure that cmake detects the Fortran compiler you want to use. If it does not, you can specify it with the -DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER flag. If you are using a cluster, in general you just need to unload all compilers and load the one you want to use, and then cmake will detect it. In our tests, we have used gfortran-11. We recommend you to do the same to avoid any potential issues with untested configurations.

  1. Compile and install:
make install

Now, the library is installed in your ~/coretran/library folder, which contains the relevant library and include files. In the ~/coretran/bin/ folder you will find two executables to test your installation.


vortex-p can, optionally, make use of FFTW for fast, parallel computation of the Fourier transforms required for the Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition. FFTW is fairly easy to install with your preferred package manager, and is as a matter of fact installed in most computing clusters (at least, in those abundantly used by astrophysicists!). You can get more information from the FFTW website. In our tests, we have used FFTW 3.3.8.


Setting the Makefile

You can now compile the code by using the provided Makefile. This Makefile provides some examples with different paths and configuration in the system. If you have compiled coretran as described above, you may use the option COMP=3.

Note that:

  • If you have installed coretran in a different place/way, you will need to modify the Makefile accordingly. In particular, these two lines:
 LIBS=-Wl,-rpath,$(HOME)/coretran/lib $(HOME)/coretran/lib/
  • If you want to use FFTW, you need to link it properly,
     ifeq ($(FFTW),1)
      LIBS +=-L/usr/local/lib64 -lfftw3f_omp -lfftw3f

Compiling options

The Makefile provides several options to compile the code. You can obtain help by running:

make info

The only mandatory option is:

  • COMP: the compilation options. If you have followed the steps here, you can use COMP=3.

Several important optional options (which are not mandatory; check the default values with make info) are:

  • FFTW: if you want to use FFTW, set FFTW=1; elseFFTW=0.
  • FILTER: if you want to use the multi-scale filter, set FILTER=1; else FILTER=0.
  • WEIGHT: the weighting scheme: particle-number-weighted (0), mass-weighted (1), or volume-weighted (2).
  • KERNEL: the kernel family (0: cubic spline; 1: Wendland C4; 2: Wendland C6).
  • OUTPUT_GRID: if you want to output any gridded results and/or inputs, set OUTPUT_GRID=1; else OUTPUT_GRID=0.
  • OUTPUT_PARTICLES: if you want to output any particle results, set OUTPUT_PARTICLES=1; else OUTPUT_PARTICLES=0.
  • OUTPUT_FILTER: if you want to output any information about the filter (turbulent total velocities prior to the HHD, filtering lengths, etc.), set OUTPUT_FILTER=1; else OUTPUT_FILTER=0.

The behaviour of vortex-p with respect to the outputs and the filtering scheme can be further tuned at runtime by modifying the vortex.dat file. See the parameters file page for more information. Therefore, if you have compiled the code with FILTER=1, you can still choose to not use the filter at runtime (but not the other way around). The same applies to the OUTPUT_GRID, OUTPUT_PARTICLES and OUTPUT_FILTER options. This is mainly done to generate a more efficient executable.


For running vortex-p, you may want to use a shell script containing all the necessary environment variables. An example is served below:

>> cat

ulimit -s 128000000
ulimit -v 500000000
ulimit -c 0
export OMP_STACKSIZE=4000m
export OMP_PROC_BIND=true

# Run the code. You may use unbuffer to get instant output logs in the vortex.out file.
./vortex > vortex.out  &